In response to the diminishing performance of mailings, we collaborated on a new direct communication channel with customers...
Listonic was hired as Lisek's key technology partner to help design & build their new q-commerce native apps and maintain their old hybrid ones until the transition...
In our initial project, we aimed to make a user-centric app that improves the grocery shopping experience for households across the globe...
Expanding on the idea of turning simple concepts into useful consumer apps, we created Waterful - a beautiful and effective hydration app...
Our second app aimed to help Moms-to-be and become a trusted assistant during this potentially stressful time...
In 2018, on behalf of CMR (a market research agency), we created a receipt collecting campaign that benefits kindergartens...
We organized cashback promotions for nonfood and not merchant-specific products in Poland and Hungary. The system works as a part of the global Procter and Gamble initiative...
In 2018, we worked closely with Philips to consult them on the local growth strategy & redesign of uGrow, their smart and highly personalized baby monitor app.
If you want to make something that stands out, then we already have one thing in common.
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